Robocall mitigation compliance 2023 update seminar

JSI, Metaswitch and Ribbon Communications provide updated information about the June 30, 2023 deadline for small providers to comply with the FCC's robocall mitigation requirements and preview two technology solutions. (Recorded 4/19/23)


Robocall mitigation compliance update seminar

JSI's Bridget Alexander White provides updated guidance to companies required to comply with the FCC's robocall mitigation regulations. (Recorded 5/21/21)


Robocall mitigation deadline extension seminar

Experts from JSI, Metaswitch and Ribbon Communications explain what providers with fewer than 100,000 subscriber lines are required to do to comply with the FCC's June 30, 2021 deadline for submitting robocall mitigation plans. (Recorded 2/3/21)


TAM summary of fcc fourth report and order

TAM General Counsel Michael A. Holmes summarized the main points of the FCC’s Fourth Report and Order on Eliminating Unlawful Robocalls in this January 14, 2021 memorandum.


BAM summary of fcc filing requirements

BAM General Counsel Michael Rampe and Legal Advisor Michael Holmes summarized the FCC’s Robocall Mitigation Plan Certification and Filing Requirements in this February 1, 2024 memorandum.